Thursday, October 29, 2009

Kisses and Sharing

Elektra has started blowing kisses!  Sometimes she'll make the motion with her hand in addition to making the sound, but mostly she just makes the sound.  This morning, Daddy had her in his arms, I brought DJ to him to give him a kiss and once DJ blew a kiss, Elektra started blowing kisses.  The kids were then blowing kisses to each other in the car on the way to Eleanor's.  :)

DJ, meanwhile, loves to share his meal with Elektra.  He will pull himself - fully strapped in his highchair - down the table towards Elektra's high chair.  "Sit next to 'Rektra?"  Once he's next to her, he'll start breaking off pieces of whatever it is he's eating and give her some.  In 99% of the cases, he can share with her, so we don't mind.  And naturally, Elektra is snatching it up immediately and thrilled that DJ gave it to her. 

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