Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Thunderstorms make for not-so strange bedfellows

A sure fire way to go have a little boy materialize in your bed is to have God send thunderstorms when said little boy isn't sleeping well.

First, Steve spent over an hour in the car bed with DJ last night to try to get him to sleep.  DJ doesn't really like to go to sleep by himself to begin with but when you throw in a good old fashioned thunderstorm, or even just a lightening (no thunder) storm, DJ really wants company then.

Around 1:30AM, the storm came back, and DJ woke up crying.  Steve went to get him, and that's when DJ came in to our room with his pillow and Tiger.  We put his pillow between ours, DJ crawled into bed, let us cover him with the blankets, and he settled right down.  He only wimpered a few more times when a couple of lightening flashes came through the windows, but otherwise, he slept great.  He really didn't move much at all, so I did get some sleep with him there.  And I think he would have kept sleeping if my alarm hadn't gone off!  Boo hoo for it not being a weekend so that we all could have slept in!

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