Friday, April 18, 2008

Our little Snot Nose

Poor DJ, he has his first full fledged cold. He's gotten a small one before, but this one includes fever, sneezing, lots of snot, and a generally miserable little boy.

We're thinking he got it from little Grace, his daycare buddy. She got over it in a few days, but this is now Day 2 of full blown symptoms, with no signs of getting any better. Well, I don't know if that's true.

Wednesday he was sneezing and the snot was starting to make its presence really known on his upper lip. That night he didn't sleep great.

Thursday during the day, he was apparently a miserable little boy, and developed a fever by the end of the day. He would only nap about a half hour at a time, and only once Eleanor rocked him to sleep. He had a small (for him) dinner, lots of milk, and wanted to walk around and do stuff but by the time bedtime came, he was toast. He took about an ounce of milk, Tylenol, and went right to sleep. He slept the whole night through and then some... a total of 13 hours.

He woke up with a fever, though, and because I'd taken so many hours off for his doctors appointments and because Steve had worked waaay too many hours the last few weeks, Steve is staying home with him. Of course he refuses to nap, so Steve has to rock him to sleep. He had virtually no breakfast, but lots of milk so at least he'll be hydrated.

Poor little guy!!

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