Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hi Baby!!

This morning, Steve and I dropped DJ off at Miss Eleanor's a little early so we could get to the OB's office to view the sonogram of our baby! No, we did not find out the gender, but we did hear the heartbeat, which was measured at 152 beats/minute (I assume it's in minutes).

The baby was laying on its stomach at first, so the sonogram technician could get a really good view of the spine and top of the skull down into the brain itself. The baby had a closed fist under its chin, like The Thinker, and was kicking me with those little feet! Flutter flutter! I actually couldn't feel them because of the position I was in, but the baby was definitely awake! The umbilical cord had the 3 required veins, too, and we could see the beginnings of teeth.

Then she had me roll over onto my left side to try and get the baby to flip over onto its back so we could get a good view of its face and the four heart chambers. The baby wasn't cooperating fully, but the technician got a pretty good shot of the baby's face and put it on the 3D sonogram picture! COOL! We never got that with DJ, so that was really neat! You distinctly see the two lobes of the cranium, the eyes, nose and mouth. Granted, the baby looks skeletal, even in the 3D picture, because there's no fat on its body yet, but it was still neat. DJ's facial picture was literally the bones of the face and skull.

The technician measured the cranium, the arm and leg bones, and with a few other measurements, came up with a birth date of September 21. Dr. Khouzami had predected September 20th. Now this is interesting because DJ was predicted by Dr. Khouzami to arrive on March 31st, the sonogram predicted March 28th, and he actually arrived March 24th. So who knows!!!

Hi little baby! We see you in there!

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