Thursday, July 15, 2010

No storms make for not-so strange bedfellows, too

Last night, DJ was a little more hesistant than normal to go to bed by himself.  It wasn't storming outside at all; DJ just didn't want to go to sleep by himself.  In fact, as DJ was saying good night to Steve, he asked Steve if he was going to go to his bed, too.  We thought that was an odd question, but didn't really think anything of it.

I put DJ to bed, said goodnight, and left his room.  Two minutes later, we heard his door open.  I immediately went to put him back into bed, and I saw him walking down the hall towards our room with Tiger, his blanket, and his pillow in hand.  I took him back to bed, said goodnight, and left the room again.

About 10 minutes later, we heard DJ's door open again.  I was on the phone with my sister, but I went in there anyway.  He was pretty upset, as he really wanted Daddy.  My sister could hear him, and told me to suggest that Sophia and Spiro were already in bed, too.  DJ replied (of course), "Why?"  But it did serve to calm him down a little.  At that point, Steve came in, and spent 15 minutes in his room with DJ to help him fall asleep.

We went to bed around 11pm.  At 6:15 this morning, my alarm went off.  During the snooze cycle, Steve's phone, which was in the living room, beeped with a text notification.  I heard a text come in because we now leave our bedroom door open to listen for DJ and to let him come to our room when he wakes up in the mornings.  I nudged Steve to wake up and go get the text.  As he got out of bed, he swung his legs off of the bed, and paused.  Then he stepped onto the floor carefully, looked at me, and then amusingly pointed to the floor next to the bed.

Sure enough, there was DJ, asleep on the floor, curled up next to the bed with Tiger and his pillow.

We asked him later if he jad come into our room while the sun was still asleep, and he said yes.  We have no idea when he came in because truly, neither of us heard him.  He even shut his door which prevented me from hearing the drone of his humidifier which usually wakes me up.

Steve picked him up and put him on the bed with us.  Although he fussed at first, he settled down again when Steve lay down again.  I guess we'll have a nightly visitor for whom we'll have to listen!

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