Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Good (?) things comes to those who wait

Late last night, George almost had our hall bathroom back in service.  Then he discovered he reversed the hot with the cold.  He switched it back, but the glue takes 6 hours to cure on pipes that hold water pressure.  So we were nervous about turning on the water shortly after he'd glued them together.  As we were standing there, trying to decide if we should take the chance and turn on the water or just leave the water off until the morning, Mr. Field Mouse went scurrying across the top of the cinder blocks in the laundry room.  So we moved the mouse trap to where we saw his path. Good thing we were just standing there to see that! 

Meanwhile, George decides to take a chance and turns on the water.  The worst outcome would that the basement floods, but it's not like there is anything down there that would be ruined.  We go upstairs and bleed the pipes.  As we tested it, I discovered that the hot and cold in the master bath was now switched (oh boy!  hot water in the toilet... hey DAVE!  Does that sound remotely familiar???  At least we don't have condensation on our toilet bowl!!  LOL). 

As you can imagine, George was confused, considering everything USED TO work in the master bathroom just fine....

It turns out that George had the hot and cold water correctly connected the first time, but when he tested the shower in the hall bath, he thought he'd switched them.  It turns out that the shower was just wrong.  But he'd switched the hot/cold at the pipe level, thinking he was fixing the hall shower, but created the master bath issue.  Oops.  I told George just to leave it alone until today, and we'd deal with opposite day in our bathroom in the morning accordingly.

While we had been standing there, trying to figure out where the hot/cold mix up was, George felt a drip.  Uh-oh.  One of the copper pipes that George hasn't replaced yet is leaking hot water at a solder point!  Good thing we were just standing there!

And good thing we are replacing all the pipes!!!!!

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