Saturday, September 04, 2010

School has started...

...and my kids are sick. Coincidence? I think not!! Both kids have some kind of intestinal bug. Elektra has had it since Tuesday and DJ started showing signs of it yesterday.

Today, we were supposed to drive to Lancaster to see the Schramms and celebrate Papou's birthday. Those plans fell through when:
1. DJ refused breakfast (very unusual).
2. Elektra refused breakfast (also unusual).
3. DJ had diarrhea and after I changed his diaper, he vomited all over the rug in the hall. Outfit change #1.
4. Elektra has her own less severe case of diarrhea.
5. DJ blew out his diaper to the point where Steve had to drop him in the tub. Outfit change #2.

DJ has consistently said all morning (whenever we asked) that his tummy hurts. Poor guy. And we don't think he's just saying that. But neither he nor Elektra are running fevers. There is a positive! Oh and another positive, the weather is so awesome that we have all the windows and doors open such that we can air out the house from the vomit/diarrhea smell we have infesting the house!!

Elektra had 2 blowouts yesterday (and 1 on Thursday) like the one DJ had today, but I managed to escape with no tub time for those. She hasn't had a diaper like that today, yet. Update: see the end of this post... I'm hoping that means she's on the tail end of this thing now, and that it might be indicative of what's in store for DJ.

The kids ate goldfish crackers for sustenance this morning and have been drinking water/milk.

Then, a few minutes ago (11:00 AM), DJ came to me and said he wanted to go to bed. I said ok, followed him to his room, he laid down with Tiger and I covered him with his blanket. I asked him if he wanted me to lie down in his car bed with him. He said no, to sit in the chair (in his room). Within 10 minutes, he was asleep. So he's skipping lunch today for an early nap!

While I was writing this, Elektra punished a diaper. I changed her and although it's still diarrhea, it wasn't just straight water. That's a good sign... I'll just keep telling myself that, anyway!!

Steve and I are, so far, unaffected, but we'll see if that lasts!

- Posted using BlogPress from my newest toy.

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