Monday, March 30, 2009

An Apple A Day...

... doesn't keep the doctor away from scheduled visits!!

DJ and Elektra had their milestone appointments today: DJ's 2 year and Elektra's 6 month.

DJ weighed in at 28 pounds 12 ounces, 34.25 inches tall, and that equals out to about the 65th percentile. Clearly, he has slowed down and is starting to average out. His head circumference is 44.7cm.

That means he grew 1/2 an inch, put on a pound and a quarter, and his head grew 1.2 cm since his 18 month appointment.

Elektra weighed in at 17 pounds 12 ounces, 26.5 inches tall, and that puts her between the 75th - 80th percentiles. She has slowed down a little, too. Her head circumference is 42.5cm.

That means she grew an 1.25 inches, put on a 1.5 pounds, and her head grew 1 cm since her 3 month appointment.

To compare with DJ at his 6 month appointment, he was 19 pounds 13 ounces, 27.5 inches tall, and a had a head circumference of 44.7cm. Doing the math, he was 2 pounds heavier, an inch taller, and 2cm in head circumference. As the doctor said it today, "Viva la diference!"

Actually, the doctor said that in response to their behavior. DJ is very much involved in doing stuff whereas she wants to be involved with people. DJ, at 6 months, was crawling and sprouting his first tooth but not talking whereas Elektra is still only rolling over from back to belly (and that's it), sprouting her first tooth and talking up a blue streak.

But still... Viva la diference!

Both children are reaching appropriate milestones and are healthy. Elektra gets to have 2 solid meals a day now, and I can expand her palette, too. Bring on the peas and green beans (pureed, of course). DJ, well, we just get to fight the terrible twos food war. ;-)

DJ started saying "Bye Byes" (with an S) on Saturday! And he even combined a "Daddy bye byes" when we were leaving to go to the grocery store. This tells me that phrases will be coming soon as he starts to get his babbling under control.

DJ is also very boy. He received a new construction truck toy from his godparents and his cousin Eleni, and he insisted not only to take it to his room when it was time to get changed for bed, but he insisted on taking it to bed. When I went in to check on him before I went to bed, he was clutching it tightly in his hands. It was very cute.

Also this weekend, we noticed Elektra's first tooth is soooooooo close to breaking through. We can see it through the gum it's so close. She is gnawing on anything she can get her mouth on, particularly our fingers. She also ate a metric ton of food on Sunday. Growth spurt anyone??

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