Tuesday, June 10, 2008

DJ was sick

DJ caught a really nasty cold from Grace, who caught it from one of her younger cousins who thought it would be a good idea to lick Grace from chin to forehead in one sweep.

The cold was pretty standard, except that it just wasn't going away. On Thursday, it stopped up DJ so badly that he actually vomited mucus. EW.

Friday I kept DJ home, and he wanted no parts of eating, and didn't keep much down if he did eat anything.

Saturday, he got a really nasty fever and it took almost all morning/afternoon to get it to break. He was a complete clingy fuss, two traits very unlike him so you know he wasn't feeling well. We spent the entire day trying to get him to drink liquids, and we think that the mucus started to finally thin out such that his appetite started to come back. Phew.

Sunday he was in a generally good mood, his fever was pretty low if non-existent, and ate well. But Sunday night, he did not sleep well. He was up every hour to an hour and a half, and we have no idea why.

Monday he went to day care, ate great, but didn't really find his energy until the afternoon, probably because he'd gotten in a couple of good naps in. He barely ate dinner (he did want some of Daddy's grilled cheese - yum!), but slept like a complete rock for 11.5 hours.

He woke up in a great mood today. And when we got to day care, he immediately snaked Cheerios off of Grace's tray. Then, when he got his first taste of cereal, he actually fussed that he wasn't getting it fed to him fast enough. He hasn't fussed about that in *months*. Seems to me like he realized he was behind on the calorie count so FEED ME!!!

Looking forward to Miss Eleanor's report when I go to pick him up today. I have a feeling it'll be pretty positive.

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