Monday, May 05, 2008

DJ with Yiayia and Papou

DJ spent the afternoon with Yiayia and Papou yesterday. When they came in yesterday, he started out immediately with walking all over the living room, showing off all of his tricks with walking.

Before I left, DJ was playing with a puzzle and when Papou put a piece in and said, "yay Papou!", DJ clapped his hands for Papou! Cute!!

Apparently, DJ loved walking all over the yard yesterday, especially the stairs. He wanted to walk up them like a big boy! He saw Miss Mary, our next door neighbor, and all the neighbors' doggies, too.

I had taken him out into the yard on Saturday afternoon and after walking around parts of the fence, feeling spiderwebs and picking up rocks, he sat down in the grass. He pulled up grass and handed it to me, and then he found a stick that he poked into the ground at things. The doggies hung around us like they were protecting us (from squirrels??), I think. It was pretty interesting.

Meanwhile, he took a 2 and a half hour nap yesterday afternoon (wow!), and then wasn't hungry for dinner until 6:30, when he devoured the vast majority of a Hebrew National kosher hot dog. The bread Yiayia offered was instantly tossed overboard, but he also had some yogurt and star puffs. He went to bed late because he was having so much fun with Yiayia and Papou!

A side note: Daddy and I were reading a book to DJ called "I Am A Bunny" on separate occasions. Yesterday, I was reading it to him, and I noticed, when I got to a certain page, he would make the lip smacking sound like he wanted to eat/taste it. I said something to Steve, and he said that he'd seen the same thing and from a distance, to him, that page looks like food or something he'd eat. DJ has been showing us that he wants to try something by smacking his lips together, so this had to be it. He apparently did it for Papou, too, when Papou was reading the book to him, too. During dinner last night, DJ saw Papou's soda, pointed at it (with an open hand) and then smacked his lips because he wanted to try some! No Diet Coke for you, yet, little boy! LOL

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