Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Elektra's 4 year well-child visit

Today, Elektra visited the pediatrician and not surprisingly, she came out with a clean bill of health!

She weighed 35 1/4 pounds (50th percentile) and is 40 1/4 inches tall (65th percentile).  Last year, she weighed 31 pounds (51st percentile) and was 38 inches tall (69th percentile).  Despite the fact that it felt like she shot up like a weed, she actually didn't grow as fast as I thought.

She did a fantastic time doing what the doctor asked her.  Also, she acted out playing doctor while we were waiting for him.  It was really cute.  "Ok, take a deep breath...."  "open your mouth and say 'ahhhh'"... so cute!

On the downside, she did receive 5 vaccines, 4 in her thighs, so her legs hurt.  We gave her some Tylenol to help her cope, and that seemed to help.  But this seems like the last big bunch for awhile.  DJ didn't have very many at all at his 5 year well-child visit.   I can't imagine getting shots in the thighs.... it has to hurt more than in the arm.

She took a long nap at Eleanor's after her appointment, and was thrilled to go to swimming lessons with her friends, Evan and Gracie (and DJ, of course).  She also pounded her favorite dinner -- salmon!

Hooray for a happy and healthy Elektra!


Where did the years go?!  Elektra has turned 4, and she couldn't WAIT to turn 4.

She requested pink icing for her cupcakes, so she got bubble gum pink icing.  We had a small celebration for her on Sunday, and she loved EVERY minute of it!

And of course, the obligatory... my-big-brother-tried-to-blow-out-my-candle-with-me picture!!

She was so thrilled to get clothes for gifts, and couldn't wait to wear them, and the matching hair accessories that came with them.

Happy Birthday, Elektra!

Saturday, September 08, 2012

First day of soccer!

Today, the kids joined the rest of the kids in their age group of the United States ... they started their first day of soccer with the Carroll Manor Hot Shots -- Team #11, also known as Team Germany!  I saw as many as 14 teams... that tells you how many kids are playing!

The kids did wonderfully.  They each had their own soccer ball, and that really helped keep the kids focused.

They are learning the basics like trapping the ball and kicking it not with their toes.  They spent some time dribbling, and they really enjoyed playing Sharks and Minnows.  DJ was the first shark, and he was good at stealing the ball from the other players!

At the end of practice, the coach decided to play freeze tag with the kids to give them another opportunity to run around.

They had a good time today!  Looking forward to next week!



DJ kicking his ball

DJ kicking his ball again

DJ and Elektra!

CM Hot Shots - Team 11 -- Germany!