The family has made its annual trek to Wrightsville Beach and the kids, being a year older, are enjoying it even more than previous years.
This year, I decided to see if we could give the kids a little more independence in the pool, and bought them floaties/swimmers. Plus. they are missing one of their swim lessons, so I am hoping that we can make up for that with lots of time in the pool doing lesson-type skills!
Elektra took right to the floaties. She immediately figured out that they help her float, and around the pool she goes all by herself. DJ, on the other hand, was not confident in them, and stuck to the stairs. It took awhile to convine him that they aren't just for decoration, but he still didn't want anything to do with leaving the area in which he could stand (the stairs).
Then my sister suggested goggles so that he can see underwater, and a small miracle happened. DJ not only started to put his head under the water, but he started to try and float/swim around the pool. It was a serious breakthrough for him. And it's all he wants to do now in the pool... swim around looking under water.
Below is a video of the kids swimming. The first is of Elektra swimming the length of the pool by herself, and the subsequent scene is DJ swimming around.
If you can't see the video, click on this link: